Skills Used For Project "Checkers"


I use Javascript everyday. I think it's a great language for letting ones own programmer creativity run loose due its accessibility and how mutable everything is.


Node is what I reach for anytime I need to quickly manipulate a filesystem. I think any Javascript developer will eventually start to feel limited by the browser and will need to venture to Node.


I embraced Git from the start and I have experience working with others on Github and Gitlab. I can't imagine being a programmer without Git. I've been saved many times from it. I use it for nearly all my probjects.


I learned HTML when I was just a kid. I would make very basic web pages. So when I began my programming journey, it was something I didn't have to work too hard for. I know enough HTML for my needs and any more is just a quick google away.


I am proficient with CSS. Grid, flexbox, basic animations, and the like.


I like using React. In the end it saves me a lot of work.


I like using React. In the end it saves me a lot of work.


AWS is my go to when I need to host a server.