Why Hire Me?
I'm passionate about programming.
I continue learning on my own time.
I'm self directed and persistent.
Fun at parties.
This full featured chess program was my very first project. I chose it because I love Chess and have been playing it since I was a kid. Creating this was a very big leap. I started with only the most basic programming concepts and a vague knowledge of how to use those tools to form a cohesive result. It took a lot of creativity from me, but in the end I persevered!
This was a cool project because I had to create the algorithm to actually generate a completed Sudoku puzzle. I came up with the idea of how to do it on my own and it took me quite a few tries. This was also my first project that fully generates all the DOM nodes from within Javascript and only uses one HTML defined node to attach itself to.
This Portfolio
I worked very hard on this project and learned an incredible amount about both the front and back end. I was lucky enough to have someone believe in my learning journey and help me grow. I had code reviews almost every step of the way. It was a great experience and it's all up on gitlab for you to view.
I use Javascript everyday. I think it's a great language for letting ones own programmer creativity run loose due its accessibility and how mutable everything is.
I like using the Typescript compiler and linter. They are very effective at making sure we do not input the wrong type. In Javascript, the most common thing is a value being undefined when it shouldn't be and the whole program crashes.
Node is what I reach for anytime I need to quickly manipulate a filesystem. I think any Javascript developer will eventually start to feel limited by the browser and will need to venture to Node.
I embraced Git from the start and I have experience working with others on Github and Gitlab. I can't imagine being a programmer without Git. I've been saved many times from it. I use it for nearly all my probjects.