
This was a very exciting project for me. I only started learning how to program two weeks earlier. I didn't get caught in tutorial hell or in memorizing syntax. I had a very basic knowledge of programming tools like arrays, objects and conditionals and dove right in! This is where I forged a strong foundation for thinking like a programmer. I spent a lot of time being creative and thinking of different ways I could combine the small number of tools that I had at my disposal.

The first thing I had to figure out was how to create the board. I found out I could use HTML tables and CSS. Today, I would use css grid, dynamically create the DOM nodes within Javascript, and then attach them to a single HTML defined node. This way I could easily implement my chess game anywhere and I wouldn't have to deal with too much HTML.

I created an object for each square and gave it keys like "pieceType" and "pieceColor". I also gave each square a key with coordinates. Today the first thing I would do is put those objects into a 2d array. This would do away with adding the coordinates as keys into the objects themselves. Also I wouldn't have to use a find method to get the object I need. Instead, I could say for instance square[0][4].

Then I created a function that loops through each square and changes the innerHTML to an image of the current piece and piece colour that